Friday 14 November 2014

Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free

1.    MP3Boo:
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
MP3Boo is an amazing site with wide range of English music collection in form of singles and albums as well, which can be downloaded for free by everyone through Mediafire or Hotifle software. There are almost more than 60,000 music albums on the website.
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
Soundarea is another great website developed to cater to such needs of music lovers. The site provides a music forum, where you can engage yourself in various on-going discussions over musical topics and a lot number of albums are available up there for you to download for free with good quality. The only limitation the site has is that one needs to register on the site and have to reply to the threads, before getting the downloading link.
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
Zona-musical is more like a forum, but still gives you the option of listening to music online and downloads it for free without any sort of registration.
4.    Album Hunt:
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
This website has a wide range of English music albums, and are very well organized by categories, such as POP, Rock, R&B, Folk, Romantic songs, etc. for you to ease in selection of the song and then you can download these. Songs downloaded from this site gets automatically saved on Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, type of hosting websites.
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
Bandcamp is more like a professional website working to promote music. It offers new and upcoming singers to upload their songs and sell them off through their web portal. Along with that, they have number of other musical albums and singles as well for everyone to listen to and download for free without any charges. However, one needs to get registered to the site, which hardly takes seconds.
6.    MP3Bee:
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
MP3 is another amazing website, full of English musical albums and songs for listening online and downloading purpose completely for free.
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
As the name states; Maxalbums offers maximum number of musical albums. You can search the music of your choice from their wide range, view the song details, listen to them online and can download them as well through Hotfile, Rapishare, Megaupload and other file hosting websites.
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
There are many website who offer downloading songs one by one even when you want to download the album…but this website enables one to download the entire music album by once.
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free
Like listed above, this website also offers wide variety of English music albums for downloading purpose for free. The songs from here can be easily downloaded with the compatibility run of Fileserve, Hotfile and iFulldownloads applications.
10.    Jamendo:
Top 10 Websites to Download English Songs & Music Album for Free

3 Best Websites To Download Full HD Video Songs For Free

1. VideoMing

VideoMing is a number 1 HD videos mobile site. From here you can download Bollywood Hindi videos on your mobile as well as on your PC or desktops. That’s why it is very interesting website for teenagers. VideoMing provides you the list of Video songs and with just few clicks, you can download the HD songs on your device.

2. Video9

You may ever heard about Video9, free Bollywood video downloading site. It is most popular in India and you will get most recent released movies video songs as well as video songs of old movies. Here you can also download the trailers of the latest released and upcoming movies. You can download every song very easily on Video9. Just move on to the site by the above link and click on any videos song and you will be able to download it by selecting your appropriate category.

3. MobMp4.Com

MobMp4 is an other website for downloading video songs especially made for mobile phones. But no worries guys, you can still download videos on your PCs as well. Downloading of videos is very easy on this site because here is multiple ways to search for a video file. If you want latest video songs, you can find them on its home page under Latest Updates. At MobMp4, you can also search videos song by choosing appropriate category for the song such as Ghazal, Remix Songs, Romantic Songs, etc. But still if you don’t find the song, just move on to the search bar of this site and type and enter the name of your file.

40 Fantastic Websites To Help Pass Time

Hey, get your mind out of the gutter–Stripgenerator is about comic creation, not clothing removal–though we wouldn’t claim that the two paths have never crossed. The site lets you build your very own customized comic strip in a matter of minutes. Choose from an array of characters and objects, and then bring your strip to life, one square at a time. If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, sign up to start your own “strip blog” and have your content featured on the site’s home page.
2. FMyLife
FMyLife encourages people to send in anonymous real-life stories of worst-case scenarios that came horrifyingly true–things you’ll just have to read to believe. The stories aren’t always G-rated, so visit at your own discretion.
A must-try for any music or film fanatic, LivePlasma helps you find new movies and music by building interactive maps around your current favorites. It’s like six degrees of separation, customized to your cultural interests.
4. Cracked
The onetime competitor to Mad Magazine has reinvented itself as a Web site for all things funny. Cracked has an array of amusing lists, stories, and videos that’ll keep you laughing for days.
Add some pizzazz to your profile pic with The site’s Web-based application lets you easily morph any photo into a cartoony character or Warhol-like painting.
Grammar geeks will delight in Funny Typos, a site devoted to ridiculing the language-challenged among us. Why people cant menage to reed there writhing batter is simpy a misery to me.
Do park visitors generally need to be told “Please do not sit on crocodile”? Must employees at a company parking lot be reminded “Do Not Sleep Below the Vehicle”? Silly as thesethings sound, they’re actual warnings posted on public safety signs. Safety Graphic Fun works to compile the most ridiculous placards, outlandish announcements, and attorney-inspired posterior papering from around the world, some of which are astonishingly absurd. My favorite: “Touching wires causes instant death. $200 fine.”
Go old-school and play dozens of original Nintendo games online. Once you get accustomed to the keyboard-based commands, even the most determined Koopa Troopas won’t be able to pull you away.
9. Pogo
Find a wider selection of time-wasting games at Pogo. See if you can spell success in Scrabble, dominate at Dominoes, or ride the Reading Railroad to a sweet Monopoly victory.
10. Omegle
Interact with total strangers in the strange new world of Omegle. This simple site pops you into a one-on-one chat room with a random person, and there’s no telling where the conversation may take you.
Losing track of time is all too easy at Lifehacker. The blog teaches you tricks for navigating the complexity of life with fewer bumps, serving up advice on topics ranging from cooling a scorching carto clearing up circles under your eyes.
12. Answerbag
Answerbag is all about interesting and instant information. Post a query about almost anything and get answers within minutes, or browse through other people’s Q&A to be enlightened, disgusted, and entertained.
13. FailBlog
“Fail” is the blogger-adored modern stamp of disapproval for anything that falls below whatever arbitrary standard a critic feels like imposing. The proprietors of open the “fail” doors to the world, encouraging readers to submit images of people, places, or things that in one way or another didn’t work out right, and then inviting all visitors to vote on how many thumbs down the depicted blunder deserves. Whether the specimen under the FailBlog microscope is a poorly designed building or a curious case of inconsistent pricing, the site’s findings are sure to generate some laughter wins.
14. Slashdot
Slashdot is the granddaddy of all tech time-wasters. Pursuing its mission of delivering “news for nerds,” Slashdot posts a cornucopia of geeky information, complete with snarky comments and community discussion.
15. Fark
When you want a tantalizing tale with a sensational twist, turn your browser toward Fark. The site collects the Web’s hottest and strangest stories, pointing you to standout content as well as to obscure local items that you might otherwise have missed.
16. Popurls
Popurls makes it easy for you to keep up with all of the Web’s headlines. The jam-packed aggregator presents the most popular content from social media sites, news sites, and even video sites in a simple-to-use single page.
17. Fuzzwich
Step into the director’s chair with Fuzzwich, a fun site that lets you build your own video animations. You pick the setting and the characters, and then customize them with faces cropped from your personal photos. Then, you use the site’s editing program to move the characters around and have them interact. Once you get tot he stage of adding music and text bubbles, you’ll be hooked. Fuzzwich even offers embed codes so you can show off your creation all over the Web.
Parents and social media don’t always mix. See sidesplitting screenshots of what happens when generations collide at My Parents Joined Facebook, a blog about uncomfortable family encounters in the virtual world. Remember, you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your relatives.
Oh-no-she-didn’t. Indulge your inner Springer with a visit to Passive-Aggressive Notes, where you can take a long, leisurely inside look at other people’s petty, infantile squabbles, all laced with not-so-subtle passive-aggressive undertones and innuendo.
Videos that are just itching to go viral await you at You’ll find more funny, sexy, and scandalous clips here than you would in Paris Hilton’s entire home-video collection–and that’s saying something.
Yeah, yeah–everyone spends too much time on Twitter. But Twitterfall offers a new way to connect with your fellow tweeters and discover interesting conversations. Just type in the term of your choice or select an option from the list of current hot trends, and Twitterfall will start dropping in related updates, one by one. You can control how quickly the tweets fall, and you can stipulate any number of combined terms that the tweets must include.
For all of Twitter’s strengths, it seems to attract an inordinate number of tools whose tweets make you cringe. At Tweeting Too Hard, you can browse through Twitter’s most “self-important tweets,” voting up the worst offenders with sarcastic “back pats” as you go.
Cast a spell on your productivity with this virtual magnetic message board. Join other people in shifting big bright plastic-looking letters around, like the ones on your parents’ refrigerator when you were a kid, or draw on a collective scratchpad to see what comes out.
24. GraphJam
GraphJam gives humor a statistical edge by inviting users to create funny graphs or charts that illustrate various aspects of life. One recent submission attempted to break down the content of Yahoo Answers (65 percent material for FailBlog; 25 percent spam; 10 percent legitimate questions). GraphJam makes it a cinch to build your own satirical analyses; and with in-site voting and embed codes a-plenty, you’ll have no shortage of time-wasting toys.
25. Songza
Search for songs across the Web and play them to your heart’s content at Songza. The site finds both audio and video files from multiple sources, and then allows you to create playlists and share them via Facebook or Twitter.
26. iMeem
Video isn’t its specialty, but iMeem excels at tracking down the music tracks you want. Find and stream your favorite tunes and save them to custom playlists. A quick caution: You do have to create a free account to gain access to the site’s full functionality.
Hello, sir or madam, may I interest you in a retractable table top for your toilet today? That’s just one of many wacky inventions featured on Patently Silly, which displays some of America’s most unusual patents.
Family photos are always awkward, but some go beyond the typical intergenerational tension and tiptoe into disquieting new territory. pursues the mission of finding and flaunting the most unbearably awkward images from real photo albums submitted by real users.
So what constitutes awkward? Oh, I don’t know…maybe having a medium-size marsupial on your arm, hovering near the back of a child’s head and eying his tousled hair as potential nesting material? Yeah. And you thought your sister’s braces were bad.
If only you could find out what all those college girls were constantly texting about. Oh, wait–you can. Texts From Last Night collects the most insane (and allegedly real) late-night texts from users, shame included. You can imagine the kind of language and subject matter involved, so click through at your own risk.
For slightly less succinct (and usually less salacious) confessions, surf over to Truu Confessions. There, people of all ages anonymously submit their deepest secrets and await your reactions.
With a decidedly less high-tech but far more innovative approach, PostSecret publishes actual postcards mailed in by people looking to share their deepest secrets. The site’s creators call it an “ongoing community art project.” (For more on PostSecret and other sites like it, read “Online Confessions: The Web Bares Its Soul.”)
The name may not be memorable, but the content at McSweeney’s Lists site is tough to forget. The site features page after page of random and often hilarious lists–”Rarely Used Parenthetical Statements,” for example, or “A Picnic Date Ending in an Awkward Sexual Encounter, Told Chronologically Through Board-Game Titles.”
I’ll bet you never noticed how much Perez Hilton looks like the Grinch, or how similar Daisy De La Hoya is to 80s singer Pete Burns. The user-driven community of Totally Looks Like did, though. Intrigued?
34. MonofaceMonoface: Click for full-size image.
Who needs look-alikes when you can build your own face? Monoface, the brainchild of a Minneapolis-based ad agency, lets you play Mr. Potato Head with real people. Click to combine different eyes, noses, and mouths until you find a suitably funny combination. With nearly 760,000 possibilities, it’ll take you a while to run out of steam.
what fun, this quaint site
creates haikus on demand
english teachers frown
36. FreeRice
Play trivia and make a difference with FreeRice. Every time you get an answer right, the site donates 10 grains of rice to global hunger programs. FreeRice is run by the United Nations World Food Program and uses revenue from in-site ads to pay for the food.
A world of data awaits you at The site is home to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, where you can look up versions of Web pages dating back to 1996. It also hosts the Live Music Archive, an impressive collection of free live concerts.
The Hot or Not craze of the early 2000s gets an aww-inducing update with Pets in Clothes, a site dedicated to cute animals wearing cute duds. From cats in sunglasses to dogs in nurse outfits, the cuddly images just keep on coming. Taking a cue from the Hot or Not model, Pets in Clothes progresses through photos by having you rate each image on a scale of 1 to 10. And of course, you can submit your own pet pics for inclusion.
Think your handiwork is bad? See some of the worst excuses for quick fixes at There, I Fixed It, an ever-expanding gallery of the most pitiful repair jobs performed all over the globe.
Cult favorite Homestar Runner is still going strong. Start with the latest Strongbad E-Mail missives and gain a whole new appreciation for the all-powerful Lappy 486 and, of course, scroll buttons and random. Keep on scrollin’ on, friends.
Got a favorite time-wasting Web site we didn’t mention? Add it in the comments section below. Just make sure it’s worth our time. ;)

10 Sites to Watch Free TV Shows Online for Full Episodes

These days, you don’t need a television set or cable to enjoy full episodes your favorite TV shows whenever you want. There are plenty of websites out there that let you watch freeTV shows online that include some of today's most popular programs -- you just need to know where to look.
The trick is finding the best sites. Some sites will scam you into signing up for unrelated fees while others require that you complete a survey before you can watch anything. Steer clear of these sites and check out the following high quality, trusted sites instead.
Hulu - Screenshot of
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1. Hulu

Hulu is one of the best and most popular places to watch full episodes of a wide range of TV shows online, with the newest ones usually available to view within 24 hours of being originally aired on TV. Not only do they give you an enormous range of things to watch, but they also give you the opportunity to watch a number of documentaries and movies whenever you want. More »
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Screen-shot-2014-03-02-at-10.05.05-AM.png - Photo: Screenshot of
Photo: Screenshot of

2. Crackle

With Crackle, you can watch full episodes in addition to movies, and create personal watchlists so you can keep track of everything you're watching. Because it is a totally free service, with accessibility on all major platforms, there are some commercials rolled into the programming. Regardless, Crackle is a great alternative that you can enjoy viewing on your computer or with one of its apps on your mobile device. More »
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3. ABC

As one of the most well-known television networks out there, this is the site you want to visit for high quality TV programs that air on ABC. While it’s only available in the U.S., the user interface is clean and simple to use. It offers access to sneak peeks of upcoming episodes, TV listing schedules, and message boards for those who like to keep up with specific shows and discuss them with others. More »
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NBC - Screenshot of
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4. NBC

NBC is another popular television network offering you a similar experience that ABC does within the NBC video library. Full show episodes are listed in alphabetical order and can be sorted by newest, most viewed and top rated. You can also browse through webisodes, previews and specials that regularly air on NBC. More »
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5. FOX

There are a lot of popular programs that air on the FOX television network and you can watch most of them for free on the official FOX website under the “Full Episodes” tab. You also have access to previews, schedules and news related information regarding the ones that air on FOX. More »
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SideReel - Screenshot of
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6. SideReel

SideReel brings you full TV episodes, movies and web shows from a variety of genres including action, adventure, cartoon, comedy, reality, teen, and much more. You can sign up for a free account and keep track of all your favorite ones, including movies with friends and create a calendar to fit with your own schedule.More »
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7. Inturpo

Inturpo is a site that offers free TV episodes, movies, live channels and even sports events for you to watch at no cost. The most recent ones are listed on the main page or you can use the search bar at the top to find the TV show of your choice. You can sign up for an account or you can watch and enjoy your favorite ones on the fly without signing up at all.More »
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8. YouTube

Lots of people don’t realize that YouTubeis actually a great source for watching television shows. While some of the sections may be split up into separate videos and the quality of the videos may not be outstanding, you can still access a number of things—old and new—from the web’s largest video sharing network. More »
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9. Current TV

Much like getting all your entertainment needs from YouTube, the content found on Current TV is uploaded and shared by users of the site. This service mostly focuses on political and news commentary, as well as information programming. It's very well known for its popular Countdown show and variety of documentaries that are available to watch.More »
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10. TV Show 7

If you’re having trouble spotting some of the more popular and current TV shows, is a good place to look. If you want more selection, you may have to give up better picture quality from an entertainment site like this, but if you are looking for something that is hard to find anywhere else online, this is a great site to keep bookmarked. More »
Free TV Online - Screenshot of
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11. Free TV Online operates slightly different from the others, requiring you to install the free Blinkx Remote Toolbar in your browser. The toolbar uses some of the web’s most advanced video search engine protocols to find and access the TV shows you want to watch, including popular movies, films, cartoons and whatever else appeals to your personal